Friday 10 January 2014

[REVIEW] Mitch Albom's Tuesdays With Morrie

I had always been curious with Mitch Albom's books. I have one friend that has almost every book that is written by him. It seems promising, but I tend to analyze a book from it's cover. And all of Mitch Albom's books' covers are actually plain, with only a few lines on it. Which always stopped me from buying them. I will squint my eyes at those plain covers, and put the book back. What a naive me.

Guess the saying 'don't judge a book by its cover' is definitely true. Maybe the plain covers are what make them special. You don't need a glorious cover to attract people. Mitch Albom proved that what's inside is more important.

Generally speaking, this book is AMAZING. It does make me feel depressed at times, but truly, the book just touched my heart. I imagined myself as Mitch, who had to face his professor's death. I myself never actually experienced death before my eyes, but I am afraid of that fact. Death. I think that Mitch and I are alike. He's honest, that for sure. I recognized his actions as actions that me myself would have take. What a normal human being would do.

Morrie surprised me. His acceptance to death is admirable. And what's more, he's a real person. Not a random fictional character. He made me wonder about my life. As SPM leavers, I currently do nothing in my free time. Which is quiet boring. Which is why I bought the book after countless times hesitating. He made me think deeply, what do I want to do in my life. Sure, as a Muslim, my main purpose is to dedicate myself to Allah, only to worship Him. There's one principle in Islam, which is 'hablu minallah wa hablu minannas' (relationship with Allah and relationship with mankind).

Morrie made me questioned myself, how could I contribute to the community around me? This world is full of hatred and corruption, wrong person were chosen to be leaders, there're wars everywhere, selfishness, ignorance and narcissism. It seemed that the world is prone to destruction, at any time. But then, really, if you want to change the world, the first step is to change yourself. And that's the hardest part of life. If you succeed, then the world's gonna revolve around you, easily.

I do want to contribute to humanity. And for that, I had to change my perspective of the world. Negative to positive. If you are optimistic, everything will be just fine. Even death gave you a sense of serenity, just like Morrie did. Death should give you a sense of peace, though. Defying death is useless, cause for every birth there will be death.

I want to spread Islam to the world, cause this is the religion of truth, the religion of peace. Islam is being misunderstood by people around the globe, even Muslims themselves sometimes felt doubt in their hearts. But that because they have no attempt to research Islam more deeply. Embrace Islam with your heart, then you'll find what you've been searching for. I myself am an unrefined Muslim, I made lots of mistakes and sins. But I will try to be a good Muslim. For non-Muslims, Islam and Muslim are two different things. Muslim is honorable because they have Islam, but Islam will always be honorable, not because of Muslims themselves. Islam is not just a religion, it's the way of life.

Mitch Albom's other masterpieces

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